The Border Box Element allows you to add a background and a border around the content of your site. Drag any of the content elements into the Border Box to make your content stand out!
Great for creating Coupon boxes, Chalkboard style boxes, wrapping Newsletter and Sign-Up Forms or adding a solid color content background to a Theme with a transparent content area.
- Background Color
- Gradient Background From:/To: Color and Direction
- Border Radius, Color, Style and Size
- Box Shadow Color, Blur, Spread, Horizontal, Vertical and Inset Shadow
- Margin
- Padding
- Opacity
$5.00 (Use on all sites in your account)
The Opacity setting makes the element, and all of the element's contents, transparent.
For a semi-transparent background, instead of using a Hex Number #000000 for the background color you can use a RBGA color rgba(0,0,0,0.15) The 0.15 is how transparent the color is.
To make the Background completely transparent, instead of using a Hex Number #000000, type the word 'transparent' (without quotes) into the color input.
All Features Included.
The number of websites you can add the Border Box App to.
Use App on a Client Website in the Designer Platform.
SMMCTA Aug 09, 2022It was impossible to add a box to the text already in the site and it was difficult to create the box and then add the text to it. I regret my purchase.
Lauren McMannis Mar 21, 2022This wasn't much better than the free versions. In particular, I was hoping to eliminate the large bottom gap between a title and the bottom of the free box apps. This left the same gap. It offers increased border styles and may be a better fit for someone else. As for me, I would've appreciated knowing the exact features prior to purchasing something I won't use.
Weeblyユーザー Jul 01, 2021Very cool add on. Right now i'm using it for a promo code sales box on my header but I can see myself doing plenty of other things with it in the future. Seems to close ok for me. (saw other people complaining about that).
Chris Forryan Jun 19, 2019Love this app but it is sooooo slow, and once used cannot get the 'build' box off the page (the box where you have to choose colour etc) and i have to end up refreshing my page everytime.
Adela Dziekanowski Mar 14, 2019This is my most used app. It is a great tool for both organizing content and adding some color to my websites.
James Burgess Sep 12, 2018It's so frustrating that I cannot hide the build box when I am trying to edit
Katja Loeffler Aug 28, 2018Unverzichtbare App. Ich arbeite sehr viel mit dieser App. Leider auch sehr, sehr anfällig. Sobald man mit der Maus über die Box fährt, erscheint das Pop-Up, auch ungewünscht.
Nick Swift Feb 19, 2018This app does several basic jobs well - borders, shadows, gradients, so it is just what I need. The app seems to have trouble working in the Weebly editor. The edit pop up needs to remember where you were in multi stage actions. In an ideal world Weebly should combine it with the colour content app to make a versatile box app.
Tash Mann-Harwood Nov 09, 2017Excellent App, struggling to set a default colour scheme so only thing that lets it down
Toey Mahad Nov 06, 2017Great app and fast friendly support. Good value can be applied to multiple sites in the account. Thank you