checkThe option of installing unlimited number of Buttons to your website
A choice between Recommend and Like actions
4 predefined button layouts
Facebook Like One – an easy way to connect to Facebook.
When promoting an online business, you should consider Facebook as one of the best tools in your promotion campaign. As of the most powerful and popular social networks, Facebook has the power to make or break a business. We want to you to use this power to your best advantage, that is why we’re offering you a whole range of Facebook modules.
Today we’re happy to bring you our Facebook Like One module. It is unbelievably simple, yet it will do wonders. A single click on the Like button on your website will help you spread your content on Facebook and get you all that attention any online business needs.
Key Features:
- The option of installing unlimited number of Buttons to your website
- Installation to current page – add the Button to a page to have your customers Like it on Facebook
- Installation to Custom URL – set the URL of the page you want your visitors to Like, and install the button to any page, to make it more convenient
- A choice between Recommend and Like actions
- Set the required width
- 4 predefined button layouts
- 2 predefined sizes
- A choice of displaying the Button on mobile or turning it off
- The Button is already optimized for mobile devices – no extra actions are required to make it look good on your phone or tablet
- Show Friends option – display your friends who’ve liked the page
Efficient support from a professional team
In case you need any help, or if any issues come up, you’re welcome to contact us any time! Send us a message at weebly@elfsight.com and we’ll take care of everything as soon as possible!
You can add this button to any number of posts on your website
Select the action you want this button to perform
Get the perfect look for your website
André Van Vlasselaer Mar 22, 2020Doesn't work at all. If I drag and drop this 'App' into the prefered possition on the page of my site, It just appear a gray textfield 'Configure Facebook Like One'. After trying to change the few configurations nothing happens, If I upload the result. Nothing appears. What could be the issue?