
Integrating Pinterest profile into your website


Displaying any Pinterest boards


Creating a gallery of selected pins

Release the potential that Pinterest has for your online business, with Elfsight widget. Our tool will help you easily and quickly embed on your website any type of Pinterest content and use it to your benefit:

  • Display your whole Pinterest account on your site and increase the spread of your content
  • Increase the number of followers with the help of seamless subscribing via Follow button on the widget header
  • Embed various boards on the pages of your site, adding them just by URLs
  • Create custom collections of images, adding certain pins to your feed
  • Showcase your products or projects with the help of Pinterest images and attract more sales

Our Pinterest feed widget was designed to enable you to do more yet spend less time and effort. The widget is no-coding, its setup is quick and simple. Flexible interface allows you to adjust it to any use-case, varying elements and sizes. Your Pinterest feed will stay perfect viewed from any device!




Integrating Pinterest profile into your website
Display your Pinterest account on your site by only adding username. Elfsight widget will show all your boards and pins, with your account name and picture on the header.
Displaying any Pinterest boards
Add multiple boards from Pinterest to your feed by URLs and display them on your web page. Boards show preview and open on click to reveal the pins that are in them.
Creating a gallery of selected pins
Select any pins that you like and create a gallery on your site, adding them by URL. Each pin has a share icon that offers several sharing options, and can be opened on Pinterest on click.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Vennlig bruker Mar 04, 2022
    Doesn't work in it's current state. Hope it gets fixed because it's exactly what I'm looking for

    Pinterest Feed Mar 18, 2022

    Hi there, Thank you for sharing your feedback! We are sorry to hear you've encountered an issue with our Pinterest Feed app. Could you please contact our Support Team and provide them with a direct link to the page where the widget is installed? They will do their best to fix all the issues in the shortest possible time. Best regards,

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Penny Smith Sep 23, 2019
    I'm not sure if there is some lag time but my pins aren't showing

    Pinterest Feed Sep 24, 2019

    Hello Penny, Thank you for using Elfsight Pinterest Feed! There is some lag time, actually, but it applies to how often the pins update in your feed. If you've just installed the widget, and your pins don't display at all, this must be some local conflict on your side, and our developers will be happy to fix it for you. Would it be an option for you to message us at [email protected] and send us the link to the page with the issue? We'll be delighted to check it for you in the shortest possible time. Regards, Elfsight

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Global Orphan Foundation Mar 08, 2019
    The configuration panel won't load

    Pinterest Feed Mar 11, 2019

    Hey there, Thank you for choosing Elfsight Pinterest Feed! We're very sorry that the configuration panel doesn't load on your website. We believe that it's caused by a local conflict and we'll be happy to fix it for you and to make sure that our app is working correctly. Our support agents will contact you personally at your email and request some additional information we need to fix this issue. Please, replky to us at [email protected] - we'll be delighted to help! Regards, Elfisght

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