
Millions of emojis and gifs to choose from


High quality emojis and gifs


Animated gifs

Make your website awesome by adding cool stickers.
Get featured stickers or search from millions of stickers by any keyword.

Free version:
  • Search from millions of stickers by any keyword.

  • Limited search results, select any sticker from the first 10 results.

  • Low quality stickers, stickers resolution will be limited and stickers may be look blur.

  • Stretch and rotate your stickers.

Premium version:
  • Unlimited search results, select any sticker you want.

  • Highest quality stickers, stickers will look sharp in any size.

  • Animated gif stickers.

  • Animation and mirror effects.




Search from millions of stickers
Unlimited search results
High resolution stickers
Animated GIFs
Additional customization features
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6 Rangeringer
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    Magdalena Matuszczak Apr 09, 2019
    Stickers are very oldfashioned.

    Stickers May 10, 2019

    more stickers added daily, please try it later or try to search for a different phrase.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Oliver pagan Mar 19, 2019
    this is cool not really user friendly though

    Stickers May 10, 2019

    thanks you so much, i will be happy to hear from you again!

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Isaac Rice May 08, 2017
    it is fun you cant have all the stickers all though

    Stickers Nov 28, 2017

    We just shift to a new service called GIPHY it addes a lot more gifs and animated gifs to the collection. Please take a look.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Bryan Fonseca Mar 06, 2017
    I really like this app. There is just missing one key thing to make this 5 stars. It needs the ability to better search through the stickers. Something such as categories and a list all would greatly help. As of now it gets really tedious to keep trying to guess what word to put in the search to find something. Sometimes nothing will show up, few results will appear or things will show up that you want through an accident. Please integrate something to find the stickers better it would make this my favorite app. Good work! :)

    Stickers Oct 30, 2017

    Thanks you for your suggestion, we really love to get feedback about our app, it helps us to be able to focus on creating new features that users really need, we will add that to the wish list. but, as for now, please search one word at a time and think about using popular terms like "cats", "dogs", "smile" and etc.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Janja Rereza Jan 21, 2017
    It would be nice to tuck these into the text instead of anywhere around it...

    Stickers Feb 20, 2017

    We agree with you but unfortunately Weebly layout not allowed that, you can only place an app inside a grid layout which prevent it to be around a text and can only be separated.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Fábio Nogueira Sep 11, 2016
    You should add more stickers and free animated stickers.

    Stickers Sep 19, 2016

    There are millions of stickers to choose from and each day thousands more are added, just search any sticker by keywords, for the premium version of the app there are no search results limitation and all the animated gifs are free, to continue supporting the app we have to leave thous features for the premium version, you can try the premium version for a month and if you don't like it you can always cancel your premium subscription.

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