• 20-Day Free Trial - Upgrade to Premium For Just $10 / Month (Or $99 / Year)!

  • Drive viral traffic and enhance marketing by killing your bounce rate - users stay engaged for 10+ minutes

  • Educate, train and challenge users, then collect data in Excel format

  • Easy-to-create beautiful multimedia quizzes and surveys in minutes

  • Quickly set colors and fonts to match your site, then drop in multimedia for an instant immersive experience

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5 Rangeringer
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Thépot Apr 24, 2018
    Est-ce un problème de langue ou autre, je n'ai pas réussi à faire fonctionner l'application :(
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Joseph Oates Mar 25, 2018
    didn't work. the layout is amazing thoug
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    geomark78 Mar 07, 2018
    excellent tool, it helps me a lot, to built my site!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Mariel Zuchniak Jan 08, 2017
    Not having to redo everything would have been enough to make me a paying customer. Unfortunately this really isn't a plug in for weebly. The plugin stops working after 20 days, the link to purchase through weebly doesn't work. I emailed the developer but only got a cut paste standard response about setting up an account on their site. I went to their site and to keep using this service I'd have had to remake them on their site and then paste the code into Weebly. Since I had to remake them, I switched to Fyrebox and found it's just a lot better.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Gwendalynn Taylor Dec 14, 2016
    Looks like something out of the 80's. Convoluted entry system. I knew I didn't want to use this within 2 minutes.
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